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Exhibitor Press Release: Pioneering and innovating in Environmental Technologies since 1970 | Hofstetter Gastechnik AG


Biogas and landfill gas are a resources and we know to transform them in important benefits for our partners. Heat, electricity, CO2 can be used in many applications and bring incomes to the operators. Landfill Leachate is also a problem for which we have solutions.

Engineering, manufacturing and implementing of degassing systems, gas treatment systems and flares for gas combustion is daily basics for us in the last 50 years.

Cogeneration solutions for landfill gas or biogas represent a vital need for some regions were electricity is expensive and scarce.

CO2 trapping solutions is our response to global problem of air pollution. We are able not only to reduce pollution by burning gases which harm the atmosphere, but to trap also the CO2 in ashes, C&D waste or other inert material in a way that negative CO2 emisions in reached.

Practically we clean the atmosphere to leave a better environment for our future generations.

Pioneering and innovating in Environmental Technologies since 1970


Since 1970, Hofstetter Switzerland develops, builds and implements integrated landfill solutions. Highest standards, quality, innovation and reliability made us to a leading company in this business.

Now our Hofstetter Environemental SRL affiliated company is bringing new innovative solutions on the market.

We invented the concept of landfill gas flare and since then more than 2000 references worldwide were delivered from our factories in Switzerland.

Landfill leachate treatment was also a technology were Hofstetter Switzerland was a pioneering and innovative company starting with 1980s.

Biogas upgrade, CO2 Liquefaction and CO2 trapping are newest technologies that we promote.


Hofstetter latest innovation called AuttonomousTM the first ever solution that is capable of managing the gas and leachate of off-grid landfills. The fully integrated and containerized Auttonomous TM unit safely combusts landfill gas in a gas engine which produces electricity and heat that can be utilized on-site. Part of the produced electricity is used to power a compact reverse osmosis unit that turns landfill leachate into fresh water. Last but not least, the proper gas and leachate management results in significantly decreased smell emissions.

Complete gas management solutions

We can deal with any type of gases. We can condition, treat, filter, combust, cogenerate or upgrade(separate via membranes) landfill gas and biogas.


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