3rd - 4th JULY 2019 | NEC, BIRMINGHAM, UK | Register now

8:00 – 9:30  |  WEDNESDAY, 10TH JULY



The Farmers Breakfast brings together on-farm AD plant operators, farmers using AD co-products such as biofertilser as well as farmers and landowners interested in developing new AD plants on their land.

Farmers have been placed in the front line of meeting the triple challenge of delivering food security, tackling the climate crisis and reversing nature loss. Nutrient management is increasingly seen as having a key role to play in achieving this. As a consequence, digestate is starting to be assigned a value as an enabler of circular food systems. Come to the Farmers Breakfast to discover how by recycling nutrients through AD, we can build rural resilience, futureproof farms and food security and protect our waterways and oceans from suffocating to death.

Studies have shown farmers can enhance crop productivity and reduce the need and cost for synthetic fertilisers by using digestate, which helps preserve soil fertility, protect waterways and ecosystem integrity. They can also capitalise on having a reliable and fixed price supply of renewable energy or transport fuel – giving confidence in their future input costs. Commodities with such provenance increasingly attract a premium, from buyers such as Pepsico and Arla Foods.

Join us to learn more about how AD can enable your farm to meet the triple challenge!


Chris Huhne, Chair, ADBA

Eoin Sharkey, CEO, BioFactory

William Crookshank, Environment & Business Manager – Agriculture Advocacy and Engagement, Environment Agency

Dr Jonathan Scurlock, FRSA, Chief Adviser, Renewable Energy and Climate Change, National Farmers’ Union (NFU)

Flávio Ascenco, Technical Support Manager, ADBA

Questions-and-Answers and Group Discussion

what farmers said

about the World Biogas Expo

Find out about the latest developments in biogas developments by attending.”

Frank Bergin, Farmer

registration has now closed for the FARMERS BREAKFAST.

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